9 Signs of High Blood Sugar You Need to Know
Posted by Manoj Perumal onDo you have high blood sugar? If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware that having high blood glucose levels may be an indicator of something more serious down the road. While it’s not always possible to tell if you have elevated blood glucose levels without testing, there are some major symptoms to watch for. So, what does it feel like when your blood sugar is too high? Here are 9 of the most common ways to tell.
1. Increased Thirst
One of the most common symptoms of high blood sugar is increased thirst and feeling dehydrated. This is because your body actually is dehydrated. High blood sugar results in dehydration and extreme thirst because your kidneys are working overtime to flush the additional glucose from your blood. Any glucose that can’t be used for energy and isn’t absorbed into your cells, needs to be eliminated from the body via urine.
2. Peeing More Frequently
This ties into our first point. When you're drinking more, you naturally need to urinate more. When your blood glucose is high this happens because your kidneys are trying to flush out the excess glucose. As they work to flush more fluids out of your body, you become more and more dehydrated—causing you to drink more, and in turn, urinate more.
3. Feeling Tired
Another common indicator of high blood sugar is feeling extreme tiredness or fatigue. This is because your body isn't getting the energy it needs from the food you eat.
When you eat, your blood sugar rises soon after your meal. When your body functions as it should your body uses insulin to signal your cells to take in the glucose in your bloodstream. When your body isn’t producing the insulin it needs, or you are resistant to the insulin your body is producing, your cells can’t take the glucose out of your bloodstream and convert it to energy for your body. If you’re not getting energy from your food, you’re left feeling lethargic and fatigued.
4. Headaches
Frequent headaches may be an indicator that your blood sugar levels are too high (hyperglycemic), but can also indicate when your blood sugar is too low (hypoglycemic). Imbalances in blood glucose levels are a common cause of headaches. Because individuals with high blood sugar have blood glucose imbalances, severe headaches related to blood sugar may be more frequent.
5. Blurry Vision
Do you have blurry vision after eating sugar? This may indicate a larger problem with your blood glucose levels. High blood sugar leads to inflammation which can mean swollen lenses in your eye and changes in the fluid levels in your body. Dry, dehydrated eyes and inflamed eye lenses can blur your vision. If left untreated, high blood sugar can lead to diabetes, where vision problems and even blindness are common outcomes.
6. Slow-Healing Sores
Poor wound healing of cuts, scrapes, sores, can indicate your blood glucose is off. High blood sugar leads to inflammation in the body, which can cause nerve damage and reduce blood circulation in your body. Insufficient blood flow to injuries, cuts, scrapes, and bruises, means your healing time is much slower and leaves you more prone to infections.
It is common in diabetic patients with poor circulation and nerve damage to experience lower leg and foot issues and injuries. If left unmanaged and not carefully cared for, injuries to your lower legs and feet can result in eventual amputation of toes, feet, or limbs.
7. Unexplained Weight Loss
Untreated high blood sugar and diabetes often results in unexplained weight loss. This is because your body can’t get energy from glucose in your diet so it begins using your muscle and fat as energy sources to function. This form of weight loss is very unhealthy. It can result in muscle weakness which can increase your risk of injury and place undue strain on your body.
8. Tingling or Numbness in Feet
Tingling and numbness in your feet is referred to as diabetic neuropathy. Increased inflammation in your body from high blood sugar levels can lead to nerve damage, affecting your extremities. It is a very common symptom of diabetes with nearly 60% of diabetics struggling with some form of neuropathy. Symptoms can range from tingling and numbness to nerve pain.
9. Nausea and Vomiting
Does high blood sugar make you feel sick? The quick answer is, yes. The high and low blood sugar that contributes to extreme headaches can also cause nausea and vomiting. Feeling nauseous after meals or when you haven’t eaten in a while could indicate an underlying issue with your blood sugar levels.
Keeping an Eye On Your Health
While there are certainly other reasons for many of these symptoms, knowing what it feels like when you're blood sugar is high is important to recognize. If you’re experiencing several of these symptoms, it may be time to do a quick physical with your doctor. Get your blood sugar tested and consult with your doctor on their recommendations to improve your health. If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes, taking early action is the best way to ensure you have better health down the road.
For those looking for additional help managing their blood glucose levels naturally, Brilliant offers natural blood glucose support. Learn more today.